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Compassion Boosts Energy and More | Tao Hands | One Sentence Secrets




large.model-1955528_1280.jpg.889d032aa19f39b462bbcdbc8679220d.jpg"Compassion boosts energy, stamina, vitality and immunity." This is another of Master Sha's one-sentence-secrets. More recently, in the Soul Over Matter book, Master Sha added the wisdom that Greatest Compassion increases willpower. These one-sentence-secrets may not be as easy to understand as some of the others, so let's take a closer look.

Most of us may not think of energy, stamina, vitality and immunity when we think about compassion. We may think instead of an open heart, kindness, generosity and more. But while compassion is to understand deeply the suffering of others, it goes beyond this to include the desire to do something about it. In other words, compassion includes action. It is to feel/know the suffering of others with the desire to take helpful action.

Think about a mother who has a child who is suffering. That mother is motivated to help her child. She is supported by compassion to have the energy she needs to help the child. The same thing goes for all true compassion. It fuels the soul, heart, mind and body to be able to take helpful action.

This could also be the mechanism for increasing willpower. Imagine the people who are inspired to help someone or a whole group of people who need help. Their compassion for the cause strengthen's their willpower to help.

Think about the saints and holy beings and their compassion. Think about Guan Yin, the bodhisattva of compassion. She has given herself over totally to serve humanity and all souls who are suffering, to help free them from suffering. Her compassion is her power. It enables her to constantly serve.

The research on compassion also supports the truth of these secrets, showing that compassion, which can be developed with targeted practice, brings a litany of benefits on all levels, from increased resiliency and immunity to greater feelings of optimism, peace, happiness and well-being. True compassion is compelling and helps us "forget ourselves" in service to others. This helps us feel better in every way.

So next time you wonder about how compassion can affect your life, remember the wisdom of Master Sha's one-sentence-secrets. Develop your compassion. There are many Soul Power practices, compassion meditations and more that you can do to develop your compassion and hence, your power to serve.

With great love,
Your Tao Hands Team

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Gloria Kovacevich


Thank you for sharing. I now have a much deeper understanding of and appreciation for the role of compassion in my life. Do you have references for the suggested practices and meditations mentioned at the end of your article? TYTYTY

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