Newsletter - May 21, 2020

I have taught everyone the importance of transforming negative shen qi jing (soul, heart, mind, energy and matter) to positive shen qi jing for good health, relationships, and finances; and to attain inner peace, inner joy, and success. To carry positive messages and information in all aspects of your life is to heal, rejuvenate, and prolong your life.
Tao Song and Tao Dance carry Source shen qi jing. When you sing and when you move, Tao Source guides you. Your shen qi jing becomes more aligned with Tao Source. The greater your alignment, the more supported you will be. There is much manifestation power in this alignment. How do you achieve this? In one word, purification. As a person purifies their negative thoughts, mindsets, beliefs, attitudes, and attachments, the mind becomes purer. The same is true for the heart, body, and soul.
One of the most joyful and expressive ways I have taught people how to purify is through Tao Song and Tao Dance. As you open your heart and sing or allow your body to move with guidance from Tao Source, amazing things could happen. You could experience great transformation.
Therefore, I encourage you to learn these spiritual techniques and gain the sacred wisdom that can be achieved through Tao Song and Tao Dance. I will serve you to go deeper into the experience of Tao Song and Tao Dance to transform your life and soul journey.
With love and blessings,
Master Sha

Imagine sitting in conversation with an inspiring, yet delightful group of Master Teachers and Healers of Tao Song and Tao Dance. Join us in a virtual tea party as a student poses questions to our group of accomplished and well-loved Certified Master Teachers of Tao Academy™: Henderson Ong, Allan Chuck, Sher O'Rourke, Shunya Barton, and Mirva Inkeri.
STUDENT: I am so grateful to be able to join you at this time. Would you please tell me, what does it mean to be a Tao Song Tao Dance Practitioner? What does a Tao Song Tao Dance Practitioner bring to the world?

Mirva Inkeri
Mirva: It is one of the most joyful and easy ways of accessing healing power. To be able to sing and dance brings out joy and freedom, and studies have proven it to be one of the most effective ways to release unpleasant states of being such as depression and more.
Shunya: For me, offering healing blessings to others through dance is pure joy! There are few times in my life when I have the same experience of joyful giving as when I am able to offer a Tao Dance blessing. There is something so special about feeling the Divine or Tao moving through my body in dance that takes me into a difference place, while serving someone else. It’s like a direct pathway to Heaven!
Sher: It means being able to express and deliver the love and light healing essence of Tao through song and dance. It is truly special. Singing and dancing from the heart and soul is a universal language understood by everyone and everything. Master Sha has opened up this channel for us and it is an extraordinary gift we’ve been given access to so we can serve others. My gratitude is infinite.
Allan: It is one of the most joyful and amazing ways for me to serve. The soul just knows how the Tao Song should be—yin or yang, fast or slow, loud or soft, high or low, tender or energetic, and more.
Henderson: Ever since I was a child, I loved to dance. The opportunity to dance as a service is most amazing. A Tao Dancer carries a treasure that activates when you dance! It not only carries the frequency to serve, it also brings health in every aspect of life.
STUDENT: What is the most meaningful or memorable experience as a Tao Song Tao Dance Practitioner that you recall?
Shunya Barton
Henderson: It happened the first time I did Tao Dance. Pure messages came in so clear and strong that it helped me to open my spiritual channels at a higher level and frequency.
Shunya: The most beautiful experience I have had with Tao Dance is as a Tao Dance Teacher. One of my students was, in her younger years, an Olympic-level ice skater. Just as she was getting close to qualifying for the Olympic team, she suffered a terrible fall and injured her back, causing her great pain, and limiting her movement for decades to come. As we worked privately, she went deeper and deeper into her Tao Dance. Because she was following the Tao, she was able to expand her range of motion and her movements without pain. Soon she was leaping and twirling like she was skating on ice. It was so heart-touching to watch her light up, and to feel a grace and freedom that had eluded her for almost her whole adult life. Maybe even more important was the joy that she exuded, that she said had been missing since her accident. This is the power of Tao Dance to heal!
Sher: I recall some years back offering Tao Song blessings to a woman who was dying of ovarian cancer. She was in pain much of the time and she said the only thing that could relieve her pain and allow her to sleep was Tao Song. This made me realize on a much deeper level the power, compassion, and love of Tao Song blessings. It offers its greatest light to the root cause of our suffering.

Sher O'Rourke
Mirva: I have not been able to walk with hamstring pain, but it healed with Tao Dance. I was sick with nausea, body aches, pains, and fever. It all healed when Master Sha asked me to dance at an event. MAGIC!
STUDENT: What have students shared with you that you find inspiring?
Sher: People feel so empowered to bring out their Soul Language and Soul Song. It is as if they are getting to know an undiscovered part of themselves that is full of wisdom and love. It is the awakening of our ability to communicate with Heaven, earth, humanity, and all souls.
Mirva: They amaze themselves time and again, when they dance. Continuously as I teach weekly Tao Dance classes they say, “I moved in ways I thought I never could!”

Allan Chuck
Allan: Many are grateful for the healing and transformation they have received through my Tao Song. Especially, though, is that I have helped many learn Da Bei Zhou, the Great Compassion Mantra, and examined and coached many of them to successfully become Guan Yin Lineage Holders.
Shunya: The most consistent result I hear from people who receive Tao Song and Tao Dance blessings is a reduction in pain. Whether they use Tao Song and Tao Dance for their own healing, or they receive a healing blessing from someone else, over and over, I hear people say their pain was reduced, or completely went away. This is an amazing pain management tool!
STUDENT: What are some of the more joyful or even humorous moments you recall?
Allan: Just a personal perspective that, before Master Sha began to transform my voice by choosing me as a demonstration subject in his first Divine Soul Songs retreat and showering me with one sacred light transmission after another over the course of 30 to 40 minutes, I would never sing in public. I was one of those who would only sing in the shower or while driving—when no one else was around. Divine and Tao transformation is amazing!
Mirva: Scrambling up at an event while watching others on stage, Master Sha requested us to prepare to dance – with no preparation, none whatsoever.
STUDENT: Oh, wow! That is an amazing story. To me it shows that when you have total trust in Heaven, and through mastery, one will be able to deliver in a pinch. I like that!

Henderson Ong
Sher: There have been many moments when hearing someone’s Soul Language or Soul Song for the first time that bring about great joy which can then be followed by laughter and often tears of happiness. It can be a beautiful emotional release that we never forget because of the sense of liberation it brings. This makes me smile just thinking about it.
STUDENT: Thank you so much, dear Master Teachers. I am so grateful to have had the time to spend with you. Each of you has inspired me greatly. If I will be able to offer blessings that could change people’s lives for the better through this joyful, soulful, and liberating way, it is a dream come true for me. If Allan can experience such transformation in his singing after receiving such care and support from Master Sha, nothing is truly impossible and there is hope for me. As all of you have expressed in different ways, service is key; and if by becoming a Tao Song Tao Dance Practitioner, I can bring healing and inspiration to others with joy and freedom, I am totally on board. This would be the greatest satisfaction in life for me. Thank you from my heart and soul. Thank you, Henderson, Allan, Sher, Shunya, and Mirva for your inspirational sharing and positive vibes! And most of all, thank you, Master Sha for your greatest teachings, healings, blessings, love, and so much more.

In a blink of an eye, extraordinary events could forever change the lives of ordinary people. Such is the case for Gilles Neplaz.
As a small child, Gilles coveted and nurtured a dream within his heart. He dreamt he would one day become a successful businessman. His greatest desire was to earn enough money to leave his impoverished environment in Martinique and start a new life in another country.
His childhood dreams eventually came true and, as a young man, Gilles moved his growing family to Toronto, Canada. Then suddenly one day, the fingers on Gilles’s dominant right hand became paralyzed. His doctor could not offer an explanation as to its cause, and the only solution to stop the intolerable pain that later accompanied the paralysis was amputation. Moreover, a genetically predisposed back pain intensified the serious and life changing circumstances.
Gilles dedicated the next two years searching for a cure, and then came upon a video that moved his soul. He witnessed the healing powers of Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha, and Gilles became determined to find him. To Gilles’s ultimate joy, he learned he did not need to travel far to meet Master Sha for one of the nine Tao Centers was located right in the city of Toronto. So Gilles enrolled in a workshop to be with Master Sha.
In the workshop, Master Sha offered Gilles a powerful blessing that instantly allowed him to move his fingers for the first time in three years. Gilles also had hardly any pain. He then went on to learn self-healing techniques from the Certified Master Teachers who were trained by Master Sha, and applied the practices right away. In one and a half months, his back pain completely disappeared for the first time in 27 years. Gilles was beside himself with happiness, for he had been on strong painkillers for 17 years.
From his own miracle healing experience, Gilles was very touched and moved in his heart. With a passion deep within, Gilles wanted to become a healer to help others who suffered as much as he did, and even more.
In 2014 Gilles closed his businesses and went back to school to study traditional Chinese medicine techniques and qi gong, while continuing to learn soul healing from Dr. and Master Sha and the Certified Master Teachers of Tao Academy™. After completing his studies and practicing five to seven hours per day, Gilles developed unshakable confidence and became a powerful Tao Hands Practitioner.
Gilles also gained an added dimension of knowledge from his studies with Master Sha. Gilles gained higher spiritual wisdom and understood the importance of releasing the painful childhood memories of fear and rejection. He knew in his heart that it would soon be time to return back to the Caribbean, and serve the community and the country he left behind.
In 2016, Gilles approached the Toronto School Board of Education to become a teacher for their adult education program. During the interview he offered healing to the manager who had been in pain for months with a sprained wrist. After a few minutes of healing the pain went away, and he was hired on the spot. In the same year, Gilles started a humanitarian website to help children around the world.
As fate would have it, in September 2017 Hurricane Maria swept through the islands of the Caribbean and Gilles’s hometown. Responding to a call to action, Gilles hastily returned home to his roots and to his people. This was not a decision he made with his mind. It was one that came from deep within his heart.
The Category 5 hurricane is regarded as the worst natural disaster in recorded history to affect the Caribbean islands. Without a thought for his own safety, Gilles set out to help and heal those who had lost everything. He quickly gathered fishing hooks, water filters, and other survival tools and equipment. Without any plans, but a strong voice from within, Gilles traveled back to his homeland to help anyone in need of assistance.
The stories that follow are poignant, but enormously uplifting and inspiring.
One day, Gilles was very exhausted after offering healing and blessings nonstop for hours upon hours. Tired and hungry, he asked the local villagers for some food. They willingly shared a slice of bread that was to be divided amongst a family of ten people. Gilles literally thought he was going to lose his life that day, but he became inspired to teach the people techniques he had learned from Master Sha to build up the levels of energy, stamina, vitality, and immunity in order to prolong life. Much to the people’s amazement, they began to feel energized and less hungry.
On the island of Dominica, Gilles worked fervently and offered healing services to help the people as they did not have access to medicine or medical care.
Through sheer courage, Gilles approached the people who appeared to be in pain and suffering. He walked up to complete strangers and offered healing. Everyone accepted his generous offer and soon the word spread about Gilles’s humanitarian efforts.
With no adequate shelter, food, and rest, Gilles lost more than 10 kilos within a week of unconditional service. However, all the while, Gilles believed in the teachings he received through Master Sha and remained steadfast in his commitment to heal the suffering of his people.
The documentary, “Tao Calligraphy Healing Art, Experience Transformation: Story of a Tao Healer, Gilles Neplaz” written and directed by filmmaker Desiree Lim will soon be released. Desiree accompanied Gilles to the Caribbean and the film chronicles his service there. In it you will see inspiring stories of faith and healing by former self-proclaimed skeptics.
You will see the healing of a cat that was left partially paralyzed after a brutal encounter with a dog. Gilles offered him a Tao Hands healing blessing, played the Love, Peace and Harmony song, and put a calligraphy card in the cat’s bed. Three days later, the cat began to walk and move normally.
This story is special because animals are completely authentic. They do not have preconceived mindsets, attitudes, and beliefs that could interfere in the healing process. If they are sick, they are down. If they are well, they are up. There is no second-guessing.
During the course of becoming a Tao Hands Practitioner, Gilles has returned to the Caribbean over 40 times. He also visited Hawaii on three occasions to offer healing to its homeless populations.
Through it all, Gilles gives heartfelt thanks to his wife, Celia. He honors her as his true love and soulmate who is totally committed to walk with him on this path.
When interviewed in the video, Celia says of Gilles, “I always believed in Gilles and in everything he does. He is a man with a very big heart. I am grateful to have him. There have been challenging times, taking care of our children, and working full time to support the family while Gilles was sick or when he went back to school. But it was all worth it. Now together as a family, we can bring so much good to the world and help so many people as a family of Tao Healers.”
Gilles concluded the interview with:
My journey to become a Tao Healer all began because of Master Sha. He truly empowered me to become a selfless servant for humanity like him. I am so grateful to have met him and become his student. It is because of the wisdom and Tao Source healing power I received from him that I could live up to my potential to serve humanity.
I am eternally grateful to Master Sha.

Orlena Wong is a Certified Master Teacher of Tao Academy™ and co-director of Master Sha Tao Center in Honolulu, Hawaii. She, along with husband and co-director Patrick Sambueno, Jr. accompanied Gilles and his family to attend to those living in the homeless encampments on the west shore and the east shore of Oahu.
Gilles visited Hawaii in March and September of 2019, and again in January 2020. With each visit, he gathered more and more people to him simply by word of mouth. In Hawaii, there is a term that is used to describe this phenomenon. The late Hal Lewis, a popular radio host from the 1960s, also known affectionately as J. Akuhead Pupule, created it (aku is a type of fish, and pupule means crazy in Hawaiian.) He called it the “coconut wireless,” a very effective means of communication in Hawaii.
As he did in the Caribbean, Gilles offered healing blessings to everyone he encountered. With stellar confidence, he approached people at the homeless encampment and offered his services. No one refused Gilles’s kindness and open heart. They appreciated his attention and the precious possibility to be healed.
When Gilles taught a few classes at the Hawaii Center, Orlena said he treated everyone equally and with respect. Whether the audience was comprised of the wealthy or the homeless, Gilles remained impartial and only gave his best to each person in attendance.
In the eyes of Orlena, Patrick and the healers in Hawaii, Gilles Neplaz is a hero, a true humanitarian, and an unconditional servant for humanity. Although he oftentimes forgets himself when he jumps in to serve, Gilles will never forget where he has come from, and above all, the one called Master Sha, his teacher who has given him everything in order to become who he is today.

Editor’s note: We welcome stories from our readers. If you have something that you would like to share, please send it to If you wish to submit a video testimonial, please do so at
We will be delighted to see it and share it with the world. It may be a healing story that is heart-touching and moving, or a story that is humorous and fun. We welcome all stories that touch upon Master Sha’s work, his teachings, and humanitarian efforts, for we are one family of one heart and soul.

Please visit for more information about upcoming events with Master Sha.
Everyone is welcome!
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