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Women on International Day of elimination of violence against women

Magdalena Kusch



Today is the International day of elimination of violence against women, repeating now the 25th time.
Statistics show that the violence against women is still increasing.
It had its world wide peak during the lock down and continues to be a major threat for the wellbeing of our entire society.
When women are not well, children are not well, when children are raised in violent surroundings, we are creating entire generations of highly traumatised people who pass on their pain to their descendants.
Violence exists in all forms and its not only the physical violence that often results in murder of women, that we should be concerned about.
The emotional and mental violence is very real and dangerous as it destroys the field we are all living in and creates polluted soil where harmful trait can bear fruits.
Violence is also manifested by creation of laws to the disadvantage of women (created mainly by men) and by executing these laws, also by males.
Violence is also the creation of false narratives and constant reprogramming of false beliefs about women, including false rumours, accusations and more.
Girls are still taught at school and through world wide merchandise campaigns that they are less capable, less strong and less smart than boys.
This can damage the girls´ self esteem and prevent them from rising in certain fields like for example science and new technologies.
These fields, in my perspective with a larger influence of female, would be created and strive in different ways and they would be focused on more holistic benefits and the wholesome wellbeing of humanity and planet earth.
Programming girls to focus on outer qualities like beauty, figure and enhancing looks with often highly poised stuff and spreading the rumours that all women are all about is materialistic, shiny and expansive things, keeps our society dumb and in the cycles of competition and greed.
Women are known and remembered for their beauty and how they complemented their successful husbands.
Marilyn for example, was a scientist at heart, a profund thinker, deeply poetic and highly intelligent.
Her IQ is reported to have been higher than Einsteins but to this day the world is programmed to remember her for her beauty not for the things she had to say.
We are programmed to believe that a former president slept with her because of her outstanding outer beauty, her body and sex appeal.
We must realise, this too, is a collective denial of truth, for in fact, he was drawn to her, because she embodied divine feminine qualities and had her deep connection to soul and the spirit world was enabling his spiritual growth and spiritual maturity.
Both essential qualities a president should have.
Today I would love to highlight the emotional, mental, physical violence against spiritual women.
All women are spiritual, all men are too, for the spirit resides in everyone and everything.
Here I am referring to the women who are offering spiritual service to help humanity to uplift their consciences and rise their spirit.
Many women until today do this secretly.
I have known mediums, who their whole life, have been offering services like spiritual readings, spiritual healings, writing, offering profound spiritual guidance to large companies, all secretly.
They did not have a website or business card, even not in these days.
The reason was, that they were afraid to share about their abilities and their God given skills publicly, they were fearing judgement, critics, humiliation and punishment.
Many had past life memories where they were killed for doing spiritual work.
Some never run a councillor business, they served for free or accepted donations for they could not invoice anyone without it.
Some were raised in certain religions to the belief that when one is gifted with special abilities by God, one should not take any money for serving with them...they lived and died in poverty, believing Gods gift ´s are free.
None of them could answer me, why then we have to pay for water now or apples that also grow freely by divine will and creation on our trees since the beginning of earth.
It´s important to change these circumstances and not only support highly intuitive women or those who were born as a medium, its vital to protect them also from any form of harm and abuse and prevent history from repeating.
This is not a small problem we are having in the world, even though it might appear like this in comparison to the giant catalogue of violence-forms against women we have nowadays.
Lowering the age for marriage in a country to nine years, is outraging and the entire world population should be taking steps against that form of legalisation of pedophile traits, of course by men.
Still, oppressing the true feminine nature, the high intuition, the sensitivity, sensuality and most of all the connection to higher realms, to the souls and divinity, is a real threat to all humanity and a crime many commit daily.
We have to stop questioning intuitive skills in women and our children and instead open up to learn from them.
For many of them are highly evolved souls that were sent to earth to help with the mother earth transition and ascension of the human race. Many of highly gifted souls have been incarnating on earth for centuries. Many of them were women.
The majority was killed. This is one of the biggest crimes that are committed: killing spiritual leaders, eliminating women who are spiritual messengers and should bring truth, healing and transformation.
We have to realise that human beings, very often they are female, with highly developed spiritual channels and healing abilities are the true treasures for humanity.
They can not only bring spiritual healing that is truly needed now more than ever, they also bring profound wisdom in all areas life, that is needed for the change of destructive courses we are facing nowadays.
They can help us to align with our higher self, the soul and to learn and understand how to live with alignment with nature and the universal laws and principles.
They can help us to return to purity, to higher values and lead us to enlightenment.
They can mirror us Divine Grace, that many of us are still to discover within ourselves to live better lives here on earth.
And most of all, all women not only those who are living a spirit-centred, soul guided life can truly help us to survive, because by nature, they are the creators of life.
It´s time that the male representatives finally overcome feeling threatened by them, and transform their fears to be overpowered.
They have to drop their weapons, their ego, their pride and their attachments to power and control and instead consult these spiritual women and collaborate with them for their own sake.




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