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Women on International Day of elimination of violence against women

W O M E N Today is the International day of elimination of violence against women, repeating now the 25th time. Statistics show that the violence against women is still increasing. It had its world wide peak during the lock down and continues to be a major threat for the wellbeing of our entire society. When women are not well, children are not well, when children are raised in violent surroundings, we are creating entire generations of highly traumatised people

Magdalena Kusch

Magdalena Kusch in The City Monk Blog


WOMEN and men world wide dedicate this day which is the 25th of November to bring awareness to violence against women. Already since 1981 activists have been on duty to educate, help to prevent and to stop the violent abuse of women world wide. Since 2000 this day was officially declared by the General Assembly to the "International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women." Now in 2020 the year of lock downs in homes, the universal calling to take thoughtful action to help to

Magdalena Kusch

Magdalena Kusch

Having & Being

Yesterday I have picked up my new servant, an almost brand new apple note book and my very first thought this morning when I woke up went out to this new friend, who was lying on my table in my love art studio...   I was instantly bathing in gratitude.   For in the last four years I have been basically doing most part of my service on my I-phone.   Every post I ever wrote on any of my various accounts, all designs, all recordings, all emails, all chats, all the thin

Magdalena Kusch

Magdalena Kusch

Dance with life

In about thirty hours from now on, I am moving. It´s going to be the twenties time. And since a few days I am almost not moving with any of the related tasks at all. I feel like paralyzed and there is a silent voice inside saying "not again, I am exhausted." The universe was saying the past few days, I should simply dance with life and trust that this is all for my very best and in fact an upgrade. This is hard to believe for my mind and according to my mind this current place is

Magdalena Kusch

Magdalena Kusch

How to properly grief

A song for a father   On this day the soul of my father came into his embodiment to be with us here for just 54 years. On this photo more than 35 years ago we are dressed in our polish traditional costume for cultural celebration in Germany and it’s one of my most happy memories. The family had just been united after almost two years of seperation (due political circumstances in my birth country Poland) and the hearts were filled with hope and great dreams for the future.

Magdalena Kusch

Magdalena Kusch


Somewhere only we know what is the very best for us and which way to go but sometimes we have doubts and we refuse to believe our own knowing. We are stuck in our illusions, programming, fears and false beliefs about ourselves and our life. We could be clinging to the past (experiences) for many good reasons and trying to ignore all signs in a new direction. When a soul gets off the course a lot of things happen in the soul realm and the spiritual guides, protectors, ancestors and

Magdalena Kusch

Magdalena Kusch


Earlier today I shared on Facebook a Swedish song called “Goliat” of an artist I admire very much. Goliat by Laleh I found these lyrics were very meaningful to me at this time and I thought about them a lot on this day for I was reflecting a few things from some sessions and conversations with different people.   For many of us when we were young kids, we had big dreams, hearts full of hope and our trust was made of gold.   This enthusiasm for life in the early ye

Magdalena Kusch

Magdalena Kusch

2020 Foresight

A sign of the times could be that we will see more and more people standing out from the crowd and humbly taking the lead to new directions in many areas. With this year that just has started and will also begin in the Chinese Calander on January 25th truly a new era begun and we are all kindly invited to show up and to participate in it with our full heart. The year 2020 is going to be one of the most remarkable ones in the history of man kind. It is a year written with two zero

Magdalena Kusch

Magdalena Kusch

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