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  1. I love the practices!💖 It gives me such a boost of energy, better then coffee by far!!! I feel so good after, I go do a happy dance in celebration then I'm ready to take on the day whatever happens. Da Gan En Master Francisco! I recently was a Demo for the first time on Wed. April 1 healing session and received the Tao Golden Light ball for Boosting Spiritual Immunity, Rainbow Light ball for Boosting Spiritual Immunity and Purple Light ball for Boosting Spiritual Immunity, Thank you Thank you Thank you Master Sha, so the practice is perfect for me. Heaven is smiling on me and I hope I can make their smile bigger, Da Gan En CBD CBD CBD
  2. Hello Master Francisco, I would love to be a Demo for Boosting Spiritual Immunity. Da Gan En, Greatest Love Da Ai💖💖💖
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